To schedule an audition,
- Call : Kate at 687-2113 or email her at theatre@csuohio.edu.
- Callbacks: August 31, 2011 beginning at 7:00pm
- Place: CSU Factory Theatre On East 24th Street between Chester and Payne avenues in Cleveland, OH 44114
- Rehearsals: September 6, 2011
- Performance Date: October 6 - 16, 2011.Timings: 8:00pm on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, and 2:00pm on Sundays.
Returning students should prepare a 90 second dramatic contemporary monologue.
New students and Freshmen are encouraged to prepare a monologue, but will be permitted to read a short monologue from the show if they choose to (One will be provided at the audition.)