Revisit to the Tacoma.
A countrywide television audience is about to see if Tacoma has talent.As they did previous leap, producers of the NBC show “America’s Got Talent” cover the Tacoma conference & Trade Center as the upcoming West Coast auditions.
Place and Date:Minneapolis (January 22 and 23)
Place and Date:Atlanta (January 29 and 30)
Place and Date: Houston (February 12 and 13)
Place and Date:Tacoma, Wash (February 19 and 20)
The tryouts will also be holding in Minneapolis, Atlanta, Houston and New YorkPeople who are not familiar with the program can see the program with three special judges Sharon Osbourne , Howie Mandel and Piers Morgan. As a special occasion there will be a cheerleading rivalry to inaugurate during the TV auditions.
The dates you have listed here are incorrect for the America's Got Talent Auditions at the Greater Tacoma Convention & Trade Center in Tacoma, WA . The correct dates are February 19th and 20th, 2011. For more information see the AGT website at americasgottalentauditions.com